DMIT Based Career and Life Coaching Services

To achieve our goals we must know our strengths ⇒

Our goal at ESHEL Academy is to empower children and young adults to reach their full potential and achieve their goals through a combination of ”DMIT Testing and Personalized Life Coaching.” 

We believe that every individual has unique strengths and abilities that can be identified and nurtured through the use of these powerful tools.


Reputed DMIT

ESHEL Academy is one of the most trusted and reputed DMIT Company in the Industry. The company has a positive reputation with the database of satisfied clients and strong testimonials.

Experience and

We have a team of highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals who has deep understanding of the DMIT Test and its application in personal and professional life.

One Stop

We provide personalized support and guidance to help clients understand their report and make informed decisions about their personal development and career goals.
About us
Transforming Lives Through DMIT and Life Coaching Services
Our Goal Our Mission Our Vision Our Belief Our Culture
To empower children and young adults to reach their full potential and achieve their goals through DMIT Testing and Life Coaching.
To promote - “Child Centric Education and Passion Centric Profession” which can help children and young adults discover their unique talents and passions, and guide them towards a fulfilling and successful future.
To create a world in which every child and young adult is able to discover their unique strengths and passions, and achieve their full potential and live a happy life.
We believe that every individual has the potential to achieve their Personal and Professional goals and make a positive impact in the world.
Our culture is centred around - “Child Centric Education and Passion Centric Profession” and we are committed to providing personalized resources and guidance to help children and young adults in Self Discovery.

Our “child centric education” approach focuses on helping children understand their learning style and strengths, and using this knowledge to customize their education to their individual needs.

In addition to our child-centric education approach, we also strive to help young adults discover their passions and guide them towards a “passion-centric profession.”

DMIT Test Experience
Fardan Shariff - PP

Fardan Shariff

Founder & CEO
Our Services

Expert Services For Your Growth

At ESHEL Academy, we offer a range of services that include – Decoding Inborn Talent, Career Counselling, Spouse Counselling, Family Counselling, and Life Coaching.


Discover Your Unique Potential with DMIT Testing. Unlock the secrets of your brain and your full potential with our Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test.

Career Test

Find Your Perfect Career with Our Comprehensive Test. Uncover your strengths, preferences, and potential career paths with our personalized career assessment test.

Career Counselling

Unlock Your Career Potential with Expert Counselling. Get personalized guidance and support to navigate your career path with our professional career counselling services.

Spouse Counselling

Heal Your Relationship with Professional Spouse Counselling. Improve communication, intimacy and trust with your partner, by seeking guidance from our trained and experienced marriage counsellors.

Family Counselling

Raise Confident and Resilient Children with our Parenting Strategies. Promote understanding, empathy, and healthy communication within your family through our expert family counselling services.

DMIT Business

Start Your Own DMIT Franchise Business with handholding support. Be your own boss and join our team of successful entrepreneurs by opening your own Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Franchise Business.
Our Achievements
Unlock Your Potential with Our Proven DMIT Counselling Services

Discover the potential of yourself and your child with our Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test counselling services and join the family of our Satisfied Clients.

Find a direction and purpose in your life with our professional counselling services.

Let us assist you through the process of discovering your strengths and passion, and how to align them with the right opportunities in life.

Accuracy and Reliability
Experience and Expertise
Personalized Recommendations
Satisfied Clients
Continuous Support
DMIT Test Career Test Career Counselling Spouse Counselling Family Counselling DMIT Business

              Our Process

              Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a revolutionary tool that can help people identify their Inborn Talent and Strengths.

              We have a team of experienced coaches and mentors who will help you identify areas of your life that need improvement, create achievable goals, and provide you with the tools you need to achieve them.

              Initial Consultation
              Fingerprint Scanning
              Analysis and Interpretation
              Coaching Session
              Follow-up and Support

              For Personalized Support

              Discover the latest in DMIT with our Informative Blogs
              Stay informed and educated on the latest developments and research in Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test with our collection of blogs written by Experts.