Discover Your Unique Potential with DMIT Testing

Unlock the hidden secrets of your brain and understand your inborn strengths and abilities with Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT). The report shows a detailed understanding of your physical, cognitive and emotional capabilities.

With this knowledge, you can make an informed decisions about your personal development and career goals. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential with our DMIT Test.

What is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test ?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a powerful tool that uses the patterns on a person’s fingertips to understand their inborn abilities and learning style. These patterns, which are unique to each individual, are formed during fetal development and remain unchanged throughout life.

History of DMIT :

The history of DMIT is closely tied to the study of dermatoglyphics, which is the scientific study of fingerprints and the patterns found on the fingertips. The use of fingerprints for identification purposes has been documented for centuries, dating back to ancient Babylon and China. However, the use of dermatoglyphics as a tool for understanding an individual’s inborn abilities and learning styles is a more recent development.

How It Works :

The first known use of dermatoglyphics for this purpose was by Dr. Harold Cummins – a leading fingerprint expert in the 1940s. Dr. Cummins believed that the patterns on a person’s fingertips provide insights into their inborn abilities and learning style. Since then, the use of DMIT has gained popularity as a way to understand an individual’s natural strengths and limitations and help them make informed decisions about their personal and professional goals………..


It helps to identify children's inborn potential, strengths, learning styles and areas of improvement for a brighter future.


Enhance your parenting skills to understand the children's hidden potential and challenges for better guidance and support in self-development.


It helps the professionals to understand their strengths and limitations for better decision-making, skill development, and team dynamics for career growth.

Left Brain

Left Frontal Lobe Function
Numeric and Analysis. Logical Reasoning. Conceptual Understanding. Computation Process.
Left Occipital Lobe Function
Occipital lobe mainly applied in Visual Perception. Visual Identification. Interpretation. Observation and Reading.
Left Parietal Lobe Function
Action Identification. Fine Motor Skills. Control of Body Movements.
Left Temporal Lobe Function
Language Understanding. Audio Identification. Memory and Multi Language Ability.

Right Brain

Right Frontal Lobe Function
3D Visualization. Picture Imagination. Idea formation and Visual Spatial Ability.
Right Occipital Lobe Function
This will mainly handles Visual Perception. Visual Appreciation. 3D Visualization. Aesthetic Sense and Fine Arts.
Right Parietal Lobe Function
Body Movement and Sense. Gross Motor Skills. Rhythmic Movement.
Right Temporal Lobe Function
Music appreciation ability. Auditory Controls. Feelings and Emotions.

Benefits of DMIT Test

To understand the benefits deeply here are ten major points that I encountered while my research about DMIT test.

1. Improve Self Awareness : DMIT can help individuals in better understanding of their natural strengths and limitations, leading to improvement in self-awareness and a greater acknowledgement of how they learn and think.


2. Enhance Learning : By identifying an individual’s learning style, it can help them customize their approach towards learning in a way that is most effective for them.


3. Career Guidance : It can be a beneficial tool for individuals looking to choose a career path that aligns with their natural abilities.

4. Improve Communication : Understanding an individual’s natural communication style can help them communicate more efficiently with others.


5. Better Decision Making : Knowing their inborn strengths and limitations can help individuals make more informed decisions.


6. Enhance Problem Solving Skills : It can help individuals identify their natural problem-solving abilities and develop strategies to enhance them.


7. Improve Time Management : By understanding their natural abilities and learning style, individuals can develop more productive time management strategies.


8. Enhance Leadership Abilities : It can help individuals understand their natural leadership style and how to leverage it constructively.


9. Improve Teamwork : Knowing their natural abilities and communication style can help individuals to work more efficiently in teams.


10. Greater Job Satisfaction : By choosing a career path that aligns with their natural abilities, individuals are more likely to find job satisfaction.

DMIT Test Career Test Career Counselling Spouse Counselling Family Counselling DMIT Business

              Our Process

              Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a revolutionary tool that can help people identify their Inborn Talent and Strengths.

              We have a team of experienced coaches and mentors who will help you identify areas of your life that need improvement, create achievable goals, and provide you with the tools you need to achieve them.

              Initial Consultation
              Fingerprint Scanning
              Analysis and Interpretation
              Coaching Session
              Follow-up and Support

              For Personalized Support

              FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

              DMIT stands for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. It is a scientific study of fingerprints that is used to identify an individual's natural strengths and weaknesses, as well as their inborn potential.
              DMIT uses the patterns and characteristics of fingerprints to identify the unique strengths and weaknesses of an individual. These patterns are analyzed and matched against a database of information to determine an individual's natural abilities and potential.
              DMIT is considered to be a highly accurate and reliable method of identifying an individual's natural strengths and weaknesses.
              The main benefits of taking a DMIT test include - identifying an individual's natural strengths and weaknesses, improving communication and teamwork, enhancing self-awareness, and making better decisions.
              Yes, DMIT is suitable for children of all ages. The test is non-invasive and can be administered to children as young as four years old.
              The results of a DMIT Test are usually available within a week time after taking the test.
              The cost of a DMIT Test can vary depending on the country and nos of services / counselling.
              While DMIT is not specifically designed to identify learning difficulties or disorders, it can provide valuable information that can be used to help individuals overcome these challenges.
              DMIT is a non-invasive and safe method of identifying an individual's natural strengths and weaknesses. There are no known risks associated with taking a DMIT Test.
              NO ! DMIT can be used in a variety of fields, including career counselling, education, and personal development. It can help individuals make better decisions and improve their overall well-being.

              For Personalized Support

              Get in touch with us for any queries or personalized support and we will be happy to assist you !

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              Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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              + 91 9167 977 866

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